Arm your people with the tools to manage their personal and professional lives in a whole new way. Their new energy will show up within your business today!


As business owners and managers you strive to cultivate dedicated teams that have the capacity to fully focus on the business at hand, your business.  Coach JoAnna Burks delivers the tools to reduce stress and improve the health and energy of your team, naturally.  This fresh approach to personal management is just what you need to unite your entire team on topics that truly matter. You don’t have to manage your people’s issues, simply give them the tools to better manage their energy and emotions themselves.

The Master Plan manages the productivity of your team in a whole new way:

  • Time management system
  • Health management system
  • Change management system
  • Ego management system


Start thinking in terms of energy, clarity, productivity. Naturally.


We have the tools to educate + motivate = elevate

Workplace wellness = The process of enabling people to increase control, and improve their health.

News flash: When things are good, and no stress is present, people bring their joy to work.  But when the balance is off and stress and anxiety are present in their lives, they bring that to work too.  That is a direct effect that we have all felt in our offices and on your bottom line.  Protect your business in a whole new way by putting The Master Plan in place today.