Pre Employment Background Checks: Get To Know Who You Are Hiring

Pre Employment Background Checks: Get To Know Who You Are Hiring

Employees are the face and soul of any business and a key success metric for any organization. However, securing the right talent is a challenge that nearly every business struggles with, and finding eligible candidates who provide accurate information is a significant aspect of that struggle.

Pre Employment Background ChecksOne of the biggest risks an organization has can be the employees it puts on its payroll. Though businesses set high standards for recruiting their workforce, limited resources always present a challenge. Thus, it makes it all the more important to find the applicant with the right qualifications and integrity to do the job.

Consider the following statistics:

  • Reputable new articles suggest that one-third of all employment applications contain inaccurate information about experience, education, and critical abilities.
  • Studies show employee theft causes more than 46% of business losses.
  • The average negligent hiring lawsuit settlement is nearly $1 million
  • More than 11% of job applicants misrepresented why they left a former employer

The above figures indicate the importance of employee background checks. A comprehensive background screening solution can help mitigate your risks, and assist you in making smarter decisions to choose the most trusted employees. With all the information available at your fingertips, employers can discover any potential business risks that could affect their brand image and business. Background screening solutions can help employers avoid losses due to fraud, gratuitous litigation, and maintain your brand image.

Why You Should Screen Employees Before Hiring?

Decrease in Employee Turnover: Background screening helps to eliminate employees with potential blemishes that can result in business liabilities. Thus, it helps improve the quality of hires as you can check each candidate based on the results of drug testing, sex offender checks, criminal checks, and even credit history. With quality employees on your payroll, it will help to decrease the high incidence of employee turnover.

Improved Safety: Reports suggest that the human resources department have to deal on a daily basis with incidents such as sexual harassment, violence in the workplace, minor assaults, threats, or emotional abuse. With a proper employment background policy in place, businesses can be rest assured that they have all the critical information on hand to make informed hiring decisions to avoid these issues.

Meet Regulatory Compliance: Employers have to meet several regulatory compliance during the hiring process and it is challenging to ensure that all these requirements are met, especially for the busy human resource department. Properly followed employee background checks ensure that all the guidelines and regulatory requirements are met and the entire process is streamlined to mitigate litigation and discrimination risks.

Negligent Hiring: Negligent hiring presents a high degree of risk that often leaves employers directly liable for the employee’s actions or inaction. Often, due to liabilities associated with some employee’s past, employers face legal suits that results in millions of dollars of lost revenue. In addition to revenue lost, organizations also face immeasurable damage to their brand name and the trust of their customers and clients.

Background screening solutions put you in the driver’s seat and help you choose the best candidate that fits your business image.

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    July 13, 2024 at 5:50 am

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